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Reprocessed Rosette Nbula from SGL X


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After looking at this image again at other people's images of the same target, I've reprocessed my image of the Rosette Nebula taken at SGL X.

I've added two more steps in Photoshop to give it a bit more 'zing'.

1 - Screen mask invert

2 - Soft Light luminosity

These give enhanced colour saturation and a bit more detail in the fainter nebulosity.

I'm not sure that I Iike the result. There's more detail in the nebula but the colour saturation may be a bit too strong and now the stars lack the dynamic range of the original.   I'll have another go at it when I get time.





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I think I would have been over the moon with the first but the second really is an improvement so much more attack to the image. This was the nebula I rather wrongly called Caldwell 50 only to see that it is a short hop to the side.


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