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Orion 1.25" Dark Frame Imaging Filter?

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Thanks all for the elucidation regards these latest droppings from Orion. I was getting the same feeling I had when they started selling a "special" Jupiter contrast-filter. It was also rather inexpensive at around $20US. I looked closely at their photo on their website. Sure enough - there it was: Blue 80A. It was just a re-named $12US Blue colour filter(which can improve contrast for Jupiter's belts).

I called their bluff and wrote my findings into the site's product reviews. The "Jupiter-Filter" vanished from their online catalog shortly thereafter.

Thanks again, folks,


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There is too much of this sort of rubbish going on these days, it is a good job really that people like you are able to see through them and are not affraid to yell out on line. I must admit though I always like the view of Jupiter using a 14mm Delos in the LX with a Lee 80A and B filters I used to have. I could only do it with this type of eye-relief eyepiece as it was with slide photographic filters, Pale Yellow didn't look bad either, I have to say holding it over the eye-rubber don't look very professional.

That would really put me off buying that brand again!


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