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lunar impacts?

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I did say......" For Starters " :grin:

With about 33 tonnes of Meteoroids striking Earth each day, you would imagine there would be something that is more predictable, but I feel, you have to be there/watching rather than rely on predictions, yet did they not know about the Jupiter collisions in advance.?

The Moon should be a doddle?

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From a program on here tonight they cannot track items below a certain size, and most are smaller.

The tons of stuff that we get will be mainly dust sized and grains of sand, those meteors you see are generally grain of sand size.

The one that went into Jupiter was a known comet and it was predicted to collide with Jupiter by calculating it's orbit/path. Since then a few impacts marks have been observed on Jupiter without a clue what caused it.

The other odd point is to hit the moon and for us to see it then it first has to get past the earth to an extent, we do not see what hit the other side of the moon as it is tidally lock to us. So to hit the side facing us it has to get by the earth to a reasonable extent.

There was a collision recently that was significant, and that was a surprise.

Check The Minor Planets Center, they may have data available but I suspect very little or none. I think they were the group named.

Also search "meteor tracking"

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