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Hmm? Mounting TS 15 x 85mx Binos?


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Thanks to a fellow SGLr, I have a pair of TS 15 x 85mx winging their way to me :)


Should be really fantastic bins if my 10x50 version are anything to go by. 

Now here's the thing, I have an Horizon tripod which I've enjoyed using with my 10x50's, but is this going to be enough? or am I going to need to make my wallet thinner?

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Thanks to a fellow SGLr, I have a pair of TS 15 x 85mx winging their way to me 

Now here's the thing, I have an Horizon tripod which I've enjoyed using with my 10x50's, but is this going to be enough? or am I going to need to make my wallet thinner?

I believe that the 15x85 weighs in the neighborhood of 10 lbs., which puts it in a much different catagory than your smaller, lighter 10x50 binoculars.

Manfrotto makes tripods such as the older 3046/3246 & newer 028B, which have a geared center column to handle the extra weight & bulk of the 15x85. 

Also you will need a heavy duty, 2 way pan head, such as the Manfrotto 501HDV or 503HDV to handle the extra weight of the 15x85.

Ebay is a good place to look for used Manfrotto tripods & heads at reasonable prices.

You may also need a 1" metal extension which will elevate the GIANT binocular above the tripod pan head so that you can move the binocular back &

forth on the pan head without the 85mm tubes getting hung up on the pan head. See page 28 in the below PDF link.

http://www.cloudynights.com/documents/thoughts.pdf  and  http://www.scopestuff.com/ss_binx.htm


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Congrats on the new addition Chris, a fine acquisition indeed! I hate to be the one to rain on the parade slightly but you "are" going to need a more substantial mount than the Horizon 8115. The tripod would probably suffice if it's tall enough, but as Stan mentions above, some of the Manfrotto offerings with geared center column would be the business with an instrument this size. I used to own the 22x85 and it worked well on the Manfrotto 475b/502ah combo. There are a couple of 501hdv's on EBay at the minute, might be worth a punt?

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Thanks both, I'm not clued up at all about Manfrotto/video heads/fluid heads etc so I'll start with giving that link a good read, cheers for that Stan :) Once I know what I'm doing a bit more I'll hit Ebay perhaps, I've had a quick look and there's plenty of Manfrotto kit on there like you guys say.

I did also see this:


Would this be suitable? or should I go for over engineering just incase one day I buy a pair of 20x110's! like yours Damo (they must be massive! )

What would a good over engineered tripod and head be in your opinion? Or should I just get the tools out beings its nearly spring and build a chunky P-mount!

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Years ago I purchased the Manfrotto 3246 tripod along with the Manfrotto 503HDV pan head for the 28x110.

Later on I decided that the MASSIVE 28x110 was more than I wanted to lug around, so I never purchased it.

When it comes to 10 lb. giant binoculars you definitely do not want to purchase anything that is too lightweight,

or a tripod that does not have a Geared Center Column.


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I'll look for tripods with geared centre columns, I can see the sense in that. I wasn't sure if the 190 tripod in the astrobuyandsell ad had one or not as I've not further researched it. 

So a 3246 tripod and a 503HDV head would be a good future proofing solution by the sounds of it, I'll check it out. It sounds expensive but my Binos are by far my most used visual bit of kit, so it might pay to get it right. If its really expensive I'll compare it to the cost of production P-mounts. I should be very happy with the 15x85's as I am with my 10x50 BA8's but knowing me I wont rule out getting the MASSIVE ones one day, I only use binos in the garden once the kiddies are all in bed so transports not a problem :)

I appreciate the great info Stan , and I promise I'll avoid non geared centre columns :)

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Or should I just get the tools out beings its nearly spring and build a chunky P-mount!

Definitely this, by far the best mounting option for a binocular this size. I built a heavy duty aluminium affair for my 20x110 and keep it permanently mounted on a steel pier, all for less than £150.

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Here's a state side link for the Manfrotto 503HDV pan head.


Here's the Manfrotto 3246    http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&ghostText=&_sacat=0&_nkw=Manfrotto+3246+tripod&_sop=15

I never wanted a P-mount because of the extra counter weights to lug around.


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Definitely this, by far the best mounting option for a binocular this size. I built a heavy duty aluminium affair for my 20x110 and keep it permanently mounted on a steel pier, all for less than £150.

Damo, I've just put two and two together and realised it's your mount I've been envying :D Excellent Job!! :)

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Here's a state side link for the Manfrotto 503HDV pan head.


Here's the Manfrotto 3246    http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&ghostText=&_sacat=0&_nkw=Manfrotto+3246+tripod&_sop=15

I never wanted a P-mount because of the extra counter weights to lug around.


Thanks for the links, the second hand prices look good on your side of the pond, I'll check them out this side,  the tripod and head certainly looks the business :)

Now all I've got to do is decide if I'm going with the Manfrotto fluid head with geared centre column tripod or the P-mount build or buy, I've definately got to do one or the other with 85mm binos that's now become clear.

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Just looking back at Damo's video it's suddenly become clear that I should probably move straight to building the P-mount! I've thought about it a few times in the last 2-3 years but with big straight through bins winging their way to me it's given me the push I think I needed.

Literally the only downside I can see is being a bit time limited with 3 little ones. My 3 1/2 year old boy really likes 'helping' me with DIY, so it might keep him occupied whilst we're doing the project, that's that I'll say to my wife anyway :D 

I can keep my Horizon tripod for lighter binos and a slightly quicker setup time. 

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+1 for the P-mount. Heavy binoculars on a tripod/video head are a pain, especially if they are straight-thorugh, as yours are. The moment about the altitude axis increases enormously as elevation of target increases. No point in getting a decent binocular, then hobbling it with an inadequate or irritating mount.

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