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Info for moon phases? + Complaining about & apologising for the Weather.


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The last time I went observing (I was planning to look at some DSOs) I forgot ow badly the moon stops you from developing dark adapted eyes and provides ample LP making anything but the brightest parts of even M42 invisible.

Following this, I was wondering if anyone knows a good place to get info on the position+phase of the moon so I can plan my DSO observing. It must be somewhere, right?

Also, I'm not hopeful for the 19th-24th (Where I used fast-forward on stellarium to get the dates of the next new moon, (while it's possible to get info this way, a chart would be nicer)) as all days up to the 18th so far are cloudy :( This is especially bad since Stargazing Live is on from the 18th to the 20th. (Three episodes a year, if memory serves me well last year's episodes were cloudy as well)

Ugh, it's been cloudy almost non-stop for nearly two months, I guess the solar eclipse must have caused a surge in new equipment purchases. (I may be partially responsible for this, since in feb I got my scope and last week I fixed my binos)

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I think that graph will help. Does it take into account moon phases or just when the moon with be above the horizon?

It does take account of the moon phases by varying between yellow (100%) and blue (0%).  It gets quite depressing in summer when the graph shows that is never gets truly dark.

This site give more detail, though I think in a less useful format:


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