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Balancing DSLR on EQ Mount

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I'm having trouble balancing my DSLR in DEC on my EQ3-2. I've got RA sorted, but DEC doesn't seem to be working. As soon as I release DEC and move the camera slightly to the left or right the weight of the lens pulls it straight down, it seems impossible for it to be balanced so I can move it in DEC at any angle and it not be affected by the weight of the lens, is there something I'm doing wrong? The camera is mounted on a photo dovetail. Hope someone can help.

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You might need to fix the camera onto a longer dovetail so it can be slid backwards in the shoe in order to balance the lens with the camera body. I take it there's no scope involved here - just the camera and lens on top of the mount. :)

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Clearly your photo dovetail is too short. You need to be able to move the camera body outboard of the axis through the CW bar to compensate for the nose heavy lens in Dec.

Does this hazy pic help? (perfectly balanced 700D with Samyang 500mm f6.3) sorry about the quality first brew of the day! ;) Note that I also have a 2Batt timer grip on it as well and so am probably more body heavy than you.


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Thanks guys, I've discovered that the dovetail was not too short I just had the camera positioned on it the wrong way round (Doh!), I had it 90˚ to the dovetail plate. I realised it this morning following brantuks reply which got me experimenting with it.  I have now thankfully managed to balance DEC, however I now have another problem, the counter weight is slightly too heavy, do you know where I can get a lighter counterweight from, the one I've got is a 2.5kg I think.

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