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Virgo Clusters test, plus what are these?


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Wanted to test out my new Atik16HRC CCD and last night was fairly clear. Approx 20% cloud cover, but when I'd set up the gear it was down to 50% and closing in. I intended to do a few test shots with the Atik first before setting up the guide scope and cam. Due to the weather closing in I only managed a few test shots of the only clear area of sky. So the image is a stack of 10no 60secs subs, rough polar align and no guiding. This is a crop from the full frame, as I tried the 16HRC with the Atik reducer - bad move - as it produced vignetting. Only works on small chip Atiks! The scope was the ED80.

The galaxy at the bottom of the image is M84 and the brighter one above is M86.

What I want to know is what are the two edge on spiral galaxies either side of M86/84? I can't find any info on them. They must be very faint since M84 is Mag 11.0. There are also a further four faint galaxies at the top of the image. I'd like to have another go at this area without the reducer and with longer, guided exposures - it looks interesting.


(click to enlarge)


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The two above look like the eyes (NGC4435) the others maybe 4388, 4387 (to the sides), 4458 4461 and 4473. They are between mag 10 and just over 12 so fit in relative the main ones :)

Someone else whos imaged the area before maybe able to help more tho :rolleyes:

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Thanks for the info Dave & Steve - very useful. Never thought of looking on Wikipedia.

Ron - if the current housing market continues as it is, staying in the UK is a distinct possibility!

Dave - I think the camera is certainly better than the user at the moment!



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This is the head of the famous Markarian's Chain of galaxies in the heart of the Virgo cluster. If you go deep here, you can see at least 9 galaxies in one FOV. I can't wait to get this in the 20"! I call M84, M86, Ngc 4387 and Ngc 4388 either the "Mercedes Logo", or the "Peace Sign" in the sky. There's a string of at least a dozen galaxies here that stretch up to the north along the east side of the main group. Seen from a dark site, they are simply breath taking. And at a distance of ~65 million LY, I tell folks the light left them just before the dinosaurs watched a really big meteor hit the Earth.

Incredible patch of sky.

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And at a distance of ~65 million LY, I tell folks the light left them just before the dinosaurs watched a really big meteor hit the Earth.

That's just mind boggling! :shock: :shock:

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