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Late to the Party - Comet Lovejoy

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Here's a quick Comet Lovejoy I took on 20th January.


Taken with my Takumar 135mm lens at f4. It's about 17 minutes of data in total, a bit of a mix of subs (30 seconds and 75 seconds) as I was hunting for spare batteries for my camera remote. For scale, the head of the comet is roughly Moon-sized while the tail is faintly visible to the edge of the frame.

Unfortunately I couldn't quite fit the Pleiades in frame with the comet using this lens which gives about a 9 degree field of view on my 1100D. The plan was to shoot first with the 135mm and then again at 50mm but the weather wasn't cooperative with lots of unforecast cloud scudding through. A shame I couldn't get an hour on it with both lenses as I was hoping.

I also have a few images I took over Christmas but haven't got around to processing them yet.

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