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Jupiter Moondance


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Got up at 2.30 for the moon events at Jupiter.

Cold and reasonably clear - a few wisps of cloud and a very bright moon but they would not affect views of the planet.

Io's small shadow was already visible just past the centre of the disc where the Great Red Spot sat. I couldn't see the moon itself at first against the planet. Europa was heading in for its encounter and Callisto and Ganymede were on the other side of the planet  - close together but gradually drawing apart as the night progressed.

Always good to see the colour of the GRS; its faint reddish brown makes a nice change from grey.

As Io's shadow  got nearer to the limb I could begin to see Io itself as a bright speck coming and going with the seeing but as the shadow left the disc I could more clearly see the moon against the slightly darker limb. Europa was meanwhile homing in as Io gradually pulled itself clear of the planet. It always seems that the moons are slow and reluctant to leave and almost pull the edge of the planet with them. Finally there was clear space between Io and the planet as it approached Europa looking like a bright double star that was gradually getting closer. Imperceptibly the two merged and became one. Europa then went into eclipse before going behind the planet and Io pulled clear on it's own.

I went to back to bed happy to see the mechanics of the solar system still working well. 

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