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Ahh!!! Ahh! Ahh!


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Just got all set up for a few hours of  observing; list of objects all ready....turned on the power.............Nothing!!! I assume it is the power lead from the battery to the mount (I hope!!) which is the problem. The tiny light in the lead does not come on and no light on the mount!?  I tried both the leisure battery and the Skywatcher power pack. Anyone have any ideas or experienced this? I can`t believe it; a perfect night as well, and I get out so little...frustrated or what!

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I found my original Skywatcher power lead had very brittle insulation. After a year, I found fractures in the insulation at every point where the wire was folded during storage. When straightened out for use, the fractures opened up leaving bare wires that could easily touch, which would blow the fuse in the cigar plug. I ended up replacing the wire with silicone coated wire, which stays flexible.

So check the fuse, and check the condition of the insulation.

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I`m embarrassed to say I was not even aware of a Fuse being in the cigarette lighter plug; I have checked it and it looks `blown` will go out and try and get some replacements today.  Thank you for your help.  :embarrassed:  :smiley:

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Oops! it wasn`t the fuse; I changed that, the little light on the plug- in cigarette adaptor lit up but the the light on the mount failed to come on and the mount still doesn`t work!!?? I have contacted F1 in Sittingbourne and they are going to look at in the workshop...obviously something more sinister going on!?  :sad:  :sad:

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