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Jupiter moons eclipses/occulations list/calculator?


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I'm trying to put together a list forthcoming events of when moons of Jupiter transit/eclipse each other for the whole of 2015.  There's plenty of stuff about transits, eclipses and occultations of Jupiter and it's moons, but I can't find anything that gives me predictions about events between Jupiter's moons.

Suggestions gratefully received.


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From what I've been able to scrounge for this, I would suggest that you may have to do the math for such predictions yourself.

I do know a very nice software-program that will provide the timing-details of where the four major moons will be in relation to each other though - or as well as possible. From this you could create the data needed in this endeavor. Take a look:


The main site - in French - has many other programs people may find useful:


Clear Skies & Happy Algorithms,


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I'm guessing that you mean this:


If so, no wonder I couldn't find it! :p  It was buried in Sky & Telescope's website. And it costs money, though very little, and only works on phones and tablets? Ouch! Call me a Luddite, but I'll never carry a phone with me. Bad enough I have one in my house! At least I keep the ringer switched-off and occasionally look at the screen to see what crook is trying to get me to hand over my credit-card data. That's why I keep an emergency boat-horn next to it..... :evil:

If this ever comes out in a format for a PC/Laptop, I'd likely buy it.

Clear Skies - But Never on Jupiter,


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From what I've been able to scrounge for this, I would suggest that you may have to do the math for such predictions yourself.

I do know a very nice software-program that will provide the timing-details of where the four major moons will be in relation to each other though - or as well as possible. From this you could create the data needed in this endeavor. Take a look:


The main site - in French - has many other programs people may find useful:


Clear Skies & Happy Algorithms,


Thanks for the link

Unfortunately it looks as though this only produces reports of interactions between Jupiter and its moons, not interactions between the moons themselves.

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Hi Michael , You may well find this page (with links etc) of interest  http://www.imcce.fr/phemu/  in English  from the French IMCE .They provide accurate information on and about each 'season' of Jupiter's moons mutual phenomena and are involved in the post event reduction of quality timed observations and photometry.

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