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I really do need a modified camera for that H-Alpha! Merry Christmas Community


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Well Merry Christmas everyone. I spent mine under dark skies in a hammock with my telescope and Nikon D610. One thing I didn't like was being attacked by mosquitoes the whole night. 
Just thought I would share my Images with you over the couple of nights. I really do need my field flattener considering these are aggressively cropped images.

This was my first shot of the Horse Head and Flame Nebula.... You know that feeling you get when you photograph a part of the sky for the first time and you get a result... well that's how I felt! 
ISO 1600
10 Lights 
10 Darks

48 minutes of total exposure approx.



The next image of the Tarantula Nebula, again same settings as above.

Untitled1 2

The Eta Carinea Nebula, again same settings as above

DSC 0159crop

Last is another shot of Orion and the running man. 
ISO 1600 
Lost count how many Darks and Lights, I use Photoshop to stack my images as I'm still learning how to use Deep Sky Stacker. It's approx just over 3 hours worth of Lights and the same with the Dark frames... every photograph I take a dark frame is included. Exposure times varied from a few at 15 seconds to 2 minutes. This was my result.

Untitled1 3 5

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Agreed - you need to get that camera modified to remove the red cut filter for astrophotography :)  You'll find it makes an enormous difference.  Very nice M42 and friends though :)

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Yeah I agree, In 10 hours time I pick up a modified Canon 550, I really don't want to modify my new Nikon D610 just yet. I've had to wait a while for the Canon to be converted and sent to me to the point I've thought about buying a CCD camera and get into LRGB, I'm assuming I would get more detailed and better images than what I'm achieving now. 

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Yeah I'm not too sure what I'm doing when I use Deep Sky Stacker, my images always tend to have a greenish tint to them after stacking. I'm not sure why... So until I can work that out I will continue to use photoshop to stack my images. 

In photoshop

File > Scripts > Statistics and then import my images and start stacking. Seems to work.

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