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Ipad and night vision

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Hey guys!

I've Been using ipad to guide me while stargazing, namelly the app SkySafari pro.

I've tried diferent apps but SkySafari really stands out.

In all the apps there's this night vision mode that turns everything red, I always use it and i turn brightness to the lowest on iPad settings, do you think It's ok or does it still Damazé my dark vision?

Do most of you use paper charts and red lights??

Thank you!

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I use SkySafari as well but not when observing as I prefer to print charts. However as an outreach tool an iPad with SkySafari can't be beaten.

If you will use it at night though when you are doing serious observing, despite the red setting for night vision I would use rubylith film to ensure that if for some reason the app crashes or whatever, I wouldn't lose my night vision.

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Do most of you use paper charts and red lights??

If I'm somewhere dark, I try to, but sometimes SkySafari is just too darned useful. In that case, like Nicos, I use red rubylith too.

If I'm just out the back of the flats I live in,well, there are so many lights around, it's not worth panicking about - you never get properly dark adapted.

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