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Moon 08-12-14


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Another attempt at the moon, using a different technique.

1500 frames using the DSLR video mode, aligning and stacking in Registax (using all default settings as I'm not familiar with this program) followed by a little editing in Lightroom to enhance.

Can I get any better using the methord or is this just about it?

Moon 08-12-14

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Very nice moon but I'm not sure that you need to do all that work. Here is a moon shot that I took last night using an old wooden camera tripod (no guiding), I took only one "tiff" exposure, added a little post processing and done. I still want to make this image better if I can.

Remember that longer exposure equals better S/N and the monn is not a very dim object like nebula or small far away galaxies. Take one full exposure. Try something like what I did on your next moon shot and see how it goes.



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Hi Jonk,

Did you use the wavelets feature in Registax after you had stacked the image?

If not I would suggest you have a look for a guide to wavelet processing online and give it a quick reprocess. It will bring out detail and sharpen the image as well.

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I did have a little play with the settings to see if any improvements could be made, but it wasn't obvious.

I will take the time to understand the program at some stage.

It is my best moon to date (only 3rd real attempt though).

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