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evostar 100ed ds pro

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I've owned one of the early Skywatcher ED100's and it was a really excellent scope.

Used with a normal mirror diagonal the image is the correct way up but left and right are reversed. This is the same in all refractors used with such a diagonal.

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I have this exact scope and can confirm what the previous posts say: excellent scope, great value for money and will be a great scope to get you into the hobby (and keep you here!)

FWIW 20 years ago a scope like this would have been way out of reach of 95% of amateur astronomers!

Ant :)

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......FWIW 20 years ago a scope like this would have been way out of reach of 95% of amateur astronomers!

Ant :)

Yep - when I started the equivilent was the Vixen FL102. I seem to recall that cost something over £1K as an optical tube.

Other than that it was Tele Vue, Takahashi or Astro Physics  and even more £'s.

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hi thinking of getting this scope does anybody have one ????

just wondering if the image is correct way up & left to right

ps im new to all this

They are a very under rated scope in this world dominated by short fast EDs. The optical performance of my 100ED is really good for the price. With a diagonal the  image is right way up but left to right is reversed.


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