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Mint Classic Celestrons

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My Brother Passed away last month and he had a scope on loan from me that I got back. I also found out that he had bought a Mint C90

for me for Christmas, I had no idea.

I left the C80 Refractor with him in the late 80's when it was basically brand new, He obviously only used it once or twice and it has been in the Closet since. I am honestly having a hard time even looking at it.

It will probably be sold or traded. The f11 optics are AMAZING Diffraction patterns are absolutely perfect!

The mount is in unused Museum collector quality.. 

Everybody that has seen it have commented about how nice it is, just sitting on my deck Birdwatching is a joy. It just hurts too much to look at.




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My condolences, we lost a close relative last month so I sympathise. These scopes in mint condition are what we "classic scope aholics "lust after, lovely scopes. The little c90 was a very useful scope not only for astro but for terrestrial spotting and as a telephoto lens

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Just wanted to add my condolences for your loss.

I wouldn't presume to advise you on your grieving but it would be nice if you could eventually see happy memories of your late brother in the scopes, rather than sad ones. It's nice that he had bought the little Mak specially for you too.

Both are fine examples of their vintage and will serve you well if you choose to keep them.

Best wishes


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Thank all of you, your kind words are nice to hear. The SHOCK is fading a bit, he was only 66.

I am keeping the C90, I have wanted one of the first ones in the Small Tolex covered box. I had an Astro version and honestly cant understand the reasoning??

I have a little Orion EQ1 mount and add on drive if I decide to use as a grab and go.

The C80 is going, I don't need it, so best offer buys it. Or trade, I am needing Celestron Silvertop Plossls??

or ???


I don't come here often but am on Cloudynights a lot, Orion61.. PM me if interested. Shipping it is not a problem.

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