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EQ2 Tripod for use with Heritage 130p Flexitube


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OK, having succumbed to AstroBoot, I picked up a second hand EQ2 tripod to use with my 130P Flexitube to get it to a serviable height (currently on a chair, not having a table to use).

I've seen this thread...


... where cotterless45 attached his Heritage to the EQ-2 tripod. If you're about, Nick, can you describe again how you attached the Heritage to the tripod. If I'm understanding you in the above thread correctly, did you...

1) Cut a circular base for the Heritage to sit on, and replace the central bolt on the Heritage with a much longer one, which goes thru the bottom of the tripod, up thru the wooden disc, then thru both the base and rocker base of the Heritage?

2) Or did you just attach the wooden disc to the tripod, so the Heritage sits on the disc, as if it was a table top?


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Option no.2. I used a longer bolt, keeping the supplied bolt allowed the use of the scope off the tripod. As it was a much better option on the tripod, it stayed there. It's just the right height and a lovely grab and go, hope this helps,


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Excellent, Nick. What size, or more importantly, thread of bolt did you use. Don't want to strip the thread on the hole in the tripod!

The bucket idea is good if it works for you, happy-kat. It's just when I use the scope on a chair, I find the RDF awkward to use, height wise. Street lights don't help either.


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It probably would. In fact, in my thread here, someone has it on some form of equatorial mount (see pic at reply 15).


I just want it as an alt-az and grab and go though. Harks back to my youth with my trusty 50mm refractor! Even with the chair arrangement at the moment till I mod the EQ2 tripod, I'm getting a buzz again from observing! The Flexitube is just that cool!


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