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Some shots of craters - Gassendi, Schiller and Aristarchus


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You have done well there.

I persume these were done

with your EdgeHD 925.

Got some good picts, on

your flickr site.


Yes, thanks. Taken through the EdgHD 925. The photomerge was three shots taken quite quickly with my 70D but the exposure came out better than I expected and the focus is quite sharp (compared to previous efforts).

The ones with the Imaging Source DFK21AU618 didn't come quite out as I hoped - need to tone down the highlights: I had  to reinstall the Windows system on my laptop over the Summer, lost all the settings in IC Capture and had to reset them last night but still aren't as I remember them. The rain set in before I had processed enough of the AVIs to check them out.

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