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National Science Week - Is your Astro Soc doing anything ?


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It's National Science Week on 7th - 16th March. My local Astro Society is playing a part in a local school science fair event. Several members are bringing scopes along to show off Saturn, Moon, Mars etc in the evening (weather permitting). We also plan on setting up computers to demonstrate astro software, websites etc. Should be a good event encouraging more fellow amateur astronomers to be born :wink:

Anyone else know of their astro societies holding any events during the week?


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Is there any point? The government appears to be surreptitiously reducing funding to some of the country's most respected science projects I really do not believe such an event should be supported. There is a very real threat to the future of Jodrell Bank for example.


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But not supporting local societies will only reassure the government that there decision to cut funding for astronomy was a good move - as public interest is floundering...


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Phew, thanks Ant/Stephen... thought we were heading for the death of enthusiasm for UK Astronomy there for a minute! TBH I can understand the governments position on this... we simply dont shout enough about it here in the UK.


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... we simply dont shout enough about it here in the UK.

Perhaps we should - this government has frequently shown a tendency to take more notice of the opinions expressed by various vocal minorities than to those of the, (largely silent), majority. :x


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