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W/O Star 71, new test


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Hi All,

having sorted my issues out with my Star 71 Apo,  i did a test image last night of the Soul Nebula.  Im now more happy.

now looking forward to doing some serious wide field imaging

IC1848. QSI 583  5 x 30 min subs.   1x10min each RGB

Paul j


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hi Olly

yes at full resolution there fine, and nice flat field.

when i get next clear night, i try post crop of full res on the 4 corners of a image , best a star field.

I'm also just starting to build my own web page where you could view high res shots,  or find a source on the internet that allow a full image.



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hi Olly

yes at full resolution there fine, and nice flat field.

when i get next clear night, i try post crop of full res on the 4 corners of a image , best a star field.

I'm also just starting to build my own web page where you could view high res shots,  or find a source on the internet that allow a full image.



I put my stuff on SMugMug for a modest annual fee and there's no compression.


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Fabulouse image, lovely detail and nice star colour...

Forget phase, I have thrown the towel with it, my images have started to deteriate over the last few years, photobucket & flickr also heavily compressed..

Think I will try smugmug,

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