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"Shes Sinkin Cap'n".........

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Hi guys

Back at SGL8 someone who's name i can't remember (sorry) had a great idea of using cut logs underneath the tripod legs to stop the scope from sinking into the ground when it was wet, for those of you who went you'll remember that SGL8 was so wet that we were all lucky not to have drown......

My scope deffo started to sink that week and my nice level, polar aligned mount was no longer so.... bummer

I never got round to actually buying the logs cause i couldn't find any and quite frankly i forgot but i was walking down the high street the other day and noticed on the floor at the base of a scafolding pole a yellow base plate, they are designed to prevent the pavement from being damaged and if you believe the internet rated to 10tons so i thought that might be a good solution.

I couldn't find anywhere that sells them in singles so i bought a pack of 25 for £20, i have two scopes so i have a few to many but it looks like it might do the job quite nicley.

Heres the pic, they are made out of a hard resin plastic by the looks of things, i placed the 9v battery on the plate to give you guys an idea of scale.

Any thoughts?


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