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I've got one and took a few goes to align because I wasn't changing the time each time I switched the power on. If it is nice and level, all the I information (date,time location etc) is all double checked and you are sure the first star you select is the one in the ep (make sure the finder is aligned well) it should work well.

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Just going through some things that are easy to overlook. First are you entering the date as mm/dd/yy rather than dd/mm/yy?

Daylight saving 'yes'

Coordinates Basingstoke 51.2667° N, 1.0876° W

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Ok I've got a 12v batt but I will go off the mains, also the coordinates fir my house is 18252w 5115n I have to put them in that order it won't let me do north first, another thing when it asks me what sky I'm looking at if I say north it says no object found where there clearly is?

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What timezone did you enter and it should be asking for DST ?

If you say North it is just saying that as far as it is concerned there is no suitable alighnment star in that area - at least as far as it is concerned, you could try West and it should pull up Arcturus if it hasn't set too low.

The other odd thing is check the actual value for Longitude that the handset has.

I have read of people having problems as there should be two leading 0's and sometimes one or both get lost, then you end up somewhere in the mid Atlantic, or worse.

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