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The best azimutal mount for ED80

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 I am looking for information on the best  azimutal mount for a refractor like the  SkyWatcher ED80, I have looking SW AZ4 mount, Vixen Porta II, ans Astro-Tech azimutal mount.

I like that this mount had good stability, less vibrations with medium-hight magnification and has a very smooth motion controls

Best regards,


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I like the AZ4, though don't own one at the moment.

I personally use my ED80 on a highly modified AZ3, which has an adjustable counterweight system incorporated, allowing for use at higher elevations without the scope "settling" or slipping". It works very well.

But out of the box, I'd say AZ4.


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I like the slow-mos on the Vixen as they provide the best of both worlds.  You can easily move the head by hand and don't need to tighten anything up to then use the slow-mos.  Also, unlike the AZ3 you can just keep turn the slow-mos, there's no limit to the travel.

But I also like the little giro for simplicity... Probably depends on whether you are using high power or not - for high power I like the option of slow mos


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But, some have slow motion controls (Vixen Porta for example) , others not!! Which is best?


That really is a decision for you to make or find out.

Some like the SloMo's and get along fine as per the Vixen, others will find they prefer to move the scope directly as per the giro.

Only you can say which you find best/preferable/easiest.

I use one like the Giro - WO variant with a 90mm Megrez. I have never got on with turning bits while trying to look down an eyepiece, prefer to get hold of the thing and it seems to work for me. However the Megrez is destined for an iOptron SmartEQ mount.

Will point out that I seem to recall one of the Vixen mounts can have a drive fitted, but sort of less then half sure of that.

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I like my Ayo's so here it goes. The bigger one on the left will take anything up to 12 Kg, the smaller one in the middle should be sufficient for a ED80.

In fact I plan to get an ED80 to be used with a Lunt 50 filter set and the small Ayo traveler as grab and go solar setup.

(Currently have a Giro ercole but I will get an Ayo Mark II with encoder some point this year. You can retrofit the Ayo traveler with encoder if you like)

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