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Starsense- worth it or not?


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Hi All,

I am about to pull the trigger on a Celestron AVX mount and I have been wondering whether it is worth the extra cost to go with the Starsense as well. I have a goto Dob which I control using the iPad. 

I 2-star align, plug in the iPad and then make any small adjustments using Skysafari. It's then good to go.

I am assuming that it would be a similar set-up procedure with the AVX. 

The Starsense is about half the cost of the mount again, so not an insignificant purchase.

Can anyone with experience of the Starsense give me their views?

I am not putting the Dob on the AVX. I  will use my 4" frac on it.



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Hiya Simon,

I owned Starsense for some time and found it to be quite a good addition.

It was very accurate initially but the more I used it the less accurate it seemed to get, there seemed to be quite a few software issues associated to locating planets, mainly due to time and date issues.

It is quite fun to use and watching the scope align itself is quite impressive.

I must admit though I have resorted to the simple manual AZ method with no wires etc....

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I believe the latest firmware upgrade has made the planetary location much better. I haven't had chance to test it out yet myself.

It is easy to upgrade the firmware in the mount and hand-controller via a serial cable & usb-serial adapter. Have a look at teamcelestron.com for the latest information. There is a forum but you need to register to be able to log in.

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Cheers, Shaun and Dave,

Yes, reading around there did seem to be a few firmware issues initially but latest indications are that they seemed to be about getting it right.

How long ago did you get your Starsense Shaun? Have you still got it?


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I have one. Loads of issues to begin with - but with the latest firmware update it is pretty good. Very good in fact.

I hate aligning - I have trees around me - so finding alignment stars I can see is a right pain in the neck. With the Starsense - just turn it on and let it go. Once you have run the centering routine (one time only unless you move the Starsense) it gets every object bang on dead center on the ccd chip.

I love it! Hated it at first due to all the issues - but that's what you get for being an early adopter.

I would get one again.



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Simon I don't have mine anymore I le it go with the CPC 9.25 about 6 months ago ..... I really liked it to begin with but got a bit fed up with all the glitches and excuses, I also joined team Clestron Beta testers to help get over the issues

If they have it sorted I am sure it will be very useful indeed.

Do you still have your giro-mount ?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks Ian.

What is your setup routine? Do you polar align and then use the Starsense?


Hi Simon

My mount is already polar aligned. So just go out - uncover the scope and turn the mount on.

Then hit Auto Align and watch it do it's stuff. Takes a few minutes. It occasionally hangs - but just restart it and it usually works the second time.

I have my house blocking the North and trees to the West. It is not a problem.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have one, and also the gps for the AVX. Only used it twice due to bad weather, but after initial centering, I  just swithced the mount on, and hit the auto align prosedure in the HC. I did this a couple of times, just to check that it worked, and was able to put M27 near the center of the eyepiece after aligning was done both times. I really do wonder if it still so next time I can take it outside. Will try do update if the weather forecast for tomorrow holds. It says clear skies in the evening! 

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