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Any ideas?

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A little more info would be useful , what camera are you using and what format are you shooting in ... ?

Registax has no problem with JPEGs but you'll lose a lot of detail if you shoot in JPEG to start with.

Always shoot in RAW with a DSLR then convert them to TIFFs for Reg with either Canon's DPP or with PIPP.

With an AVI file from a webcam or planetary camera I'd recommend AutoStakkert2 over Registax. 

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i converted a few to tiff files. I have to convert them from the format that the iphone transfers them over as anyways.. I also have an old point and shoot digital camera that has two f numbers on them f=9.3mm and f2.8.. and produces images in 4.1 megapixels.  it can also be used as a webcam as well.... and I haven't quite yet figured out how to mess with the settings much but I can change settings on it. 

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Registax has appered to not want to work right. When I click stack about half way through I guess it stops working and shuts down.

You don't say what computer equipment you have but I suspect you are running out of memory.

Try this, make sure you have as little as possible running in the background and close all other programs/apps. Then when you stack with Registax, if it says 4 CPU's on the top bar change that to 2 CPU's.

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I doubt it's a memory problem , I regularly have Registax open three ways stacking 100+ 59Mb TIFF files three times simultaneously , and AS!2 stacking AVIs at the same time , all on a simple laptop ... unless the OP's running a ZXSpectrum ...  :smiley:

It has happened to me several times in the past.  If you have a 2 core processor which supports hyper-threading i.e can run 4 threads, Registax can detect the 4 threads as 4 cores and the program can freeze. Setting the number of cores to 2 may solve the problem.

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I have an hp mini notebook and I frequently move images to an external image device. It is running windows 7. I just don't know if it has a 2 core processor or not. My husband is constantly saying he wants to get me a New laptop

If it is fairly new it could possibly be 2 core but I suspect you may only have 1GB RAM. Depending upon the model it may be upgradeable but not sure whether it would be enough to improve things. Good suggestion from Steve above, worth a try.

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ookay I decided to give pipp a try, and I think I must be doing something wrong. I get a tiff something compression error when its almost done.... and I"m not even sure if I set it up correctly in the first place. I selected for lunar image... then no clue... 

This is a complete guess, but the TIFF files that you are creating may be 16 or 32 bit. As PIPP only outputs in 8 bit TFF format, it maybe that it will only accest 8 bit TIFF files as a input. Failing that I have no idea other than the possibility of insufficient memory. You could try changing the output to an AVI file on the output tab. 

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Well, I guess the fail problem was due to a mistake on my part. I did pip with a video from my iPhone (converted of course) and that part went pretty good. Have yet to try that in registax but I do have a question about it. Do I need align points on each frame? If so that could have been my issue in the first place.

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No ... 

Use the bar at the bottom to run through the frames until you find a nice crisp one , this will be used as the reference frame against which the others will be judged , if you've had PIPP reorder them then the best ones will show first.  

Set your align points on that frame and click Align.

When the alignment is done the Limit box will light up , set the percentage to stack to about 80% and click on Limit and then on Optimise ( this allows you to save the final stack before sharpening , useful as you can revisit it numerous times if you want to practice Wavelets , if you hit the Optimise and Stack button Reg goes straight to Wavelets after stacking and then it's a faff to save)

When the optimising is done press Stack and off it should go.

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