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Visiting Kennedy Space Centre


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Has anyone been before?

Yes I know millions of people have been before, silly! have any of you Stargazers been before or preferably recently.

I'll be over there in April and was looking for any tips or suggestions on the cape in general.

I'll be visiting the centre over two days, one day will be to look around and to meet a real Astronaut the second day of my cape visit will be to watch a launch and hopefully film it.

So, anything that I should avoid, not waste time on?

For Launch info check out their website and then April 14th. I think it's a 4 booster rocket that's going up with a Comms Sat on-board.



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Not been recently, but did go a few years ago. Was one of the best moments of my life! Also got to meet a real Astronaut! Richard A. Searfoss (now former astronaut) and when talking and having picture taken with him he knew Bristol as had flown at Fairford.

The whole site is worth seeing, make sure you've got enough space in your camera cards and batteries!!

You won't be disapointed!!!


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We have been there a couple of times (2000 and 2004) and as James says it's a great place to visit through frankly it had much more appeal for me than the rest of my family !.

We will be in Florida again from 6/4 to 18/4 but I can't see a KSC launch sheduled for then - there's a rocket going up from Vandenburgh Air Base in California on 17/4 though. Where did you find the KSC launch listed :D.

For anyone remotely interested in space, space travel or astronomy KSC is an absolute "must do" with attractions too numerous to mention. Personally I could spend 2 or 3 days there touring the historical launch sites, the current active pads (though they won't let you closer than about 1.5 miles away so take some binoculars) and all the other attractions. The Merritt Island nature reserves nearby and Playalinda Beach are also worth a visit if you have time.

I guess one of the most impressive features has to be the Saturn V rocket which is simply awesome (it's what that word was invented for IMHO). We got to meet an Astronaut (Storey Musgrave who flew 6 Shuttle flights) as well although they are very churlish about signing autographs unless you buy their books !.

My highlight was chatting informally for about half an hour beside the Saturn V with an engineer who worked on the Apollo programme, including Apollo 13. His opinions on the film were amusing to say the least !.

My tip is to buy the most inclusive ticket that you can and do all the tours, movies, interactive displays etc that you are able to fit in (or your family can stand !).

It's a great place to visit :lol:


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We will be in Florida again from 6/4 to 18/4 but I can't see a KSC launch sheduled for then - there's a rocket going up from Vandenburgh Air Base in California on 17/4 though. Where did you find the KSC launch listed :D.

I've just found this on the Spaceflight Now website:

"April 14 Atlas 5 • ICO G1

Launch window: 2012-2112 GMT (4:12-5:12 p.m. EDT)

Launch site: SLC-41, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida

The United Launch Alliance Atlas 5 rocket (AV-014) will launch a mobile communications satellite for ICO North America. Space Systems/Loral is building the geostationary spacecraft. The rocket will fly in the 421 vehicle configuration with a four-meter fairing, two solid rocket boosters and a single-engine Centaur upper stage. ULA will conduct this commercial launch for Lockheed Martin. Delayed from May 31, Aug. 28, late 2007, Jan. 7 and March 21."

It was updated today - we could be in luck :lol: :lol: :lol:


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I'm off to Florida 12 - 26 April, and had hoped to see the STS124 launch but it seems that has been postponed!

However I shall be visiting KSC, and I don't care if the rest of the family are bored .. it's my one day in two weeks !

Any visiting tips gratefully received!



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I was there in 2002 and was an unbelievable experience and one you wont forget.Our holiday was booked to coincide with a shuttle launch which was unfortunately scrubbed so never saw a launch,dissapointing but didn't spoil my visit to KSC. :D

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Well since the launch is set for later in the day I hope to visit the centre earlier on and then view the launch form somewhere nearby.

I noted however on some tickets it states that the Kennedy Space Centre is closed on Launch Days. Is this for Shuttles only or for ANY launch.

If so, then I would need to visit on two days, one for Visit and one for Launch.

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I was there in 2002 and was an unbelievable experience and one you wont forget.Our holiday was booked to coincide with a shuttle launch which was unfortunately scrubbed so never saw a launch,dissapointing but didn't spoil my visit to KSC. :wink:


We must have been there at the same time?

Sat 4.

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I did it in 2000...a believe me it was out of this world.

I grew up in the sixties and was a space junkie as a kid, followed all the Apollo missions and with out a doubt the Moon landings were the defining moments of my childhood. I found the "Kennedy experience" very moving...if you are going to Florida...you really shouldn't miss it !!!

You will of course need a break from the theme parks...and there are NO roller coasters at Kennedy !

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Well, unconventional as I am.. hehe I won't be visiting any theme parks.

No Disney, No Universal etc.. We'll be visiting all the other stuff and driving around.

Several cruises over at Tampa Bay, Gatorland, Airboat rides, Silver Springs, Kennedy Space Centre, several other small attractions and chilling out at the Villa.

I think when ya go to Disney there is too much on offer and you never feel you did everything, so this trip we WILL do everything we want and be happy :wink:

Last time I was out there was in 2004, didn't do Disney then either. LOL

My kids like Rockets, Gators and Dinosaurs more than Mickey Mouse.

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My kids like Rockets, Gators and Dinosaurs more than Mickey Mouse.

That will save you a few bob then - I've just forked out the price of an 120mm ED refractor on theme park tickets :shock:

Oh well ..... I guess we are all big kids in our family :wink:


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Although i'm not a theme park/rollercoaster fanatic, i have to say that Disney World is superbly engineered,nothing looks either cheap or tacky and for most young kids it is a holiday of a lifetime.

You are right about Disney having too much to offer Phil,if you try to cram too much in i think it spoils the holiday and also stresses you out trying to get as much as possible in only 2 weeks.

We did do the Gatorland thing and a couple of daytrips but that was enough,spent the rest of the time walking around the parks,jumping on whatever rides took our fancy,going to shows and eating/eating/eating

and more eating.Went to the House of Blues restaraunt as often as possible,that Cajun food sure is good, and spicey as well.

Best goddam holiday i ever had and our friends across the pond try their best to ensure you do "have a nice day"....service with a (sincere) smile. :usa2: :thumbright:

The bottom pic is my son standing under the Saturn V rocket,its awesome Phil,in fact the whole Kennedy experience is unforgetable,dont miss anything as its all worth seeing/doing.



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Been twice and could go 200 times and not be sick of it. Like SteveA I was brought up on Mercury, Gemini and Apollo and to stand in the footsteps of my heroes was an unforgettable experience. The whole place is just awe inspiring. It's the focal point for all of our scientific endeavour towards exploration of the unknown over the centuries. IMHO obviously.

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Thanks Saturn5. Good post.

I'll try to check out the BLues Restaurant.

Look slike we'll be getting those "GO ORLANDO" cards, free admission to almost every minor attractions around, so we can please ourselves.

Also we get the "Kids Eat Free Cards" thown in too. not that they'll eat much anyway, plenty of doggy bags I reckon!

Gonna do 7 days of non-stop touristy stuff, but not consecutively. Out of the two weeks, we'll have the 7 full days, rest of time is chilling time.


(hope to take a scope with me, so who knows)

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