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My first of anything other than the moon


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Oh dear - this stuff really isn't easy, is it? :?

The avis looked promising. The result doesn't :D


Forgot to mention on the image:

scope - 8" newtonian at f/15 (Tal 3x)

camera - Atik 1-HS

unguided. 50% gamma, 75% gain, 250th second...

I was so happy to see what was on the laptop screen - it was the first time I'd ever seen detail on mars. Things that may have gone wrong:

- forgot IR filter.

- Didn't get proper focus on no.1.

- my processing skills are... not good.

- need an imagemate to get in closer

- seeing wasn't good

- registax couldn't align cause of shaky avi - not sure why - perhaps incompetent mount.

tips, suggestions, comments??



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thanks guys. I was also working in between clouds, and kept on having to up the exposure when a cloud went in between.

Maybe next time when the conditions are better (although wind was minimal) things will improve. I suppose I'm glad to have got anything at all :D


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I cant get that old tart to image either.

Can see detail on the RAW avi, K3 and Registax just blur the whole thing up.

Very very disappointed with Mars. And I gather its not gonna get any easier?

One good thing to come out of it, you make me feel a whole lot better :D Thanks for sharing!!



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Yes, 1/250th. If I'd used anything less, the wobbling (probably the mount :D) would have screwed up every frame. This meant gain and gamma had to be quite high...

Also, I'm using a mono chip, which I think is quite a bit more sensitive...


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ah, interesting, as I had come to the conclusion that my individual frames would have been much clearer if I had exposed them for less time.

Not sure if that is compatible with the RAW method though??? I thought you have to do 5fps. And factory defaults with RAW go to 1/5th second for shutter speed too. But I think that shorter sharper shots would probably have saved my sequences.

I'll dig out a frame and see what you guys think!!


EDIT: Here's the pic, about the best fram I can grab from the footage. post mortem?


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At least you had the courage to show them mate. Of course it's not easy, if it was we would all be knee deep in astro pictures.

You have made a start, and they are not that bad. There aint nobody who could not recognize what the subject is.

You have just embarked on a long journey, and the first leg is a very bumpy ride. Soon, it gets a bit more comfortable.

You will succeed, because you are determined to.


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