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Iphone app - am I wasting my time?


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Hi all

For the last couple of months I have been building an iPhone/ipad app for exploring deep sky objects and planning viewing.

I've finally finished it and submitted it to the app store - and I decided to price it at 69p instead of the free-with-annoying-adverts option. But am I kidding myself that anyone will ever spend their money on it?

The app is not one of those point-at-the-sky types. It is a 2D plenisphere showing the stars and constellations etc - but with all of the NGC/Messier catalog plotted on it, and I built it because it's the tool I want to use myself. Basically, you can just choose a time and place, and browse around the sky zoomng in and out, clicking on any DSO which you want info on, and then add it to a plan list if you want. Then when you are out with the telescope, clicking any item in your plan shows it to you on the map, so you can try to find it in the night sky. It doesn't do much more than that - but it helps me find new objects to try finding with my telescope, and gives me an idea of how to star hop to them.

I'd show a screenshot, but I may already be breaking the rules by shamelessly plugging my own creation (hence why I haven't said the name) - sorry if so. I just wonder if it's really worth bothering with it. Obviously my hope is that people will pay for it, and make it worth my while continuing to improve and develop it - but there are so many free apps out there - is there any value in one which is just for planning and exploring deep sky objects?

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Thanks Thanders. I kind of thought that would be the case. It's still been a good way to learn about app-development, but it would have been nice to think I could make a few quid back on the outlay for my macbook - Apple force you to buy their hardware to develop apps.

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And well done for not trying to push it! Even at 69p, we would still class it as commercial advertising and would have to rap knuckle! :)

It's always difficult in a 'me-too' market, especially trying to find a unique point that others don't have..

Best of luck finding that angle!

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