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Little 'Galaxy' next to Andromeda

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This might be a silly question, I've tried researching it but haven't found any information. When you see the Andromeda Galaxy there is always another smaller object that looks a similar shape to the Galaxy. Is it another Galaxy just further away and or smaller? Or is it actually a part of the Andromeda Galaxy? 

Thanks :) 

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The faint patch just above (north), that looks like a smaller, fainter version of it is indeed another galaxy, M110. I believe it's a satellite galaxy of Andromeda. Is this the one you can see?

There's also M32, but that looks like a fuzzy dot in binoculars and lies within Andromeda, although away from the nucleus. It's to the south, opposite way from M110.

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M110 is the faint elongated one which is roughly aligned with the Andromeda galaxy. M32 is the bright round one. I'm guiding that M32 is the one that you saw.

I'm hoping to have a look at these babies later. No observing session is complete without a quick squint at these!


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