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What is the best eyepiece for under130€?


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I have recently earned some money from part-time jobs,i decided I will spend at naximum130€ for an eyepiece because I want to save some money for university.So could you please tell me what are the best eyepieces on the market for under130€ bare in mind these eyepieces will be used with a meade lightbridge10"which is a f\5 scope.

Thank you.

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what sort of focal lengths are you looking for? maxvision may be suitable for some of them http://www.explorescientific.de/Okulare/ these are very good but not first tier

If you don't want wide angle but are just after optical quality then these are probably the best http://www.telescopehouse.com/acatalog/TeleVue_Plossls.html  optically these are top tier, however the higher the magnification the more the eye relief shortens and they are not the widest of views

These are getting some good reviews 


I haven't used this particular line but I have never looked through a bad vixen lens so i imagine they will be good

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This is a similar question to the one you have asked before.


You have the Maxvision 16mm already, with a 2x GSO barlow.

So fill the gap with an explore scientific 82-degree of a size which will suit your viewing habits.

You say the 6.7mm will give you 189x magnification.


You won't get a better eyepiece until you start to pay Televue and Pentax prices.

So buy one now before the 15th September-2014 delivery is sold out.

119euro is eleven less than 130euro,

So the question has been answered in your previous post.

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