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Backyard EOS problem

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After some experimenting with my new deep sky imaging equipment, I have a problem that I would really appreciate some help with:

My imaging camera is a Canon D450 (rear colour filter removed & an astronomik CLS clip filter). I cannot seem to get Liveview to work at all in Backyard EOS. So instead to achieve focus: I used the Loop feature within the frame and focus section. I did 40 second exposures at ISO 1600. Then I placed the Bahtinov mask on, and still using Loop, I fine-tuned the focus down to a pixel error of 0.3 which I think is more than good enough.

I just wanted to illustrate the point that obviously it's perfectly achievable to obtain true focus using the loop feature however I was under the impression that Liveview should also work using the method above? Yet as soon as I switch to Liveview in BYE I get a totally black display. When I use the zoom box on any part of the display all it reveals is the thermal noise - no images of stars?! The ISO is still set at 1600.

I'm sure that I am making a basic mistake, but cannot see what it could be........

Thanks for any help in advance.

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Yeah, sorry, silly me! You can't change anything on the camera in live mode because the mirror's up. Duh! :-)

Just playing with it now in daylight I see that the Frame and Focus mode always switches duration to Bulb and ISO to 1600.

Daft question maybe ... But have you tried this in daylight? I'm just wondering whether you're so far out of focus that you're not seeing anything.

By the way there's an update of the BYE software available free to purchasers at the moment.

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Yeah, sorry, silly me! You can't change anything on the camera in live mode because the mirror's up. Duh! :-)

Just playing with it now in daylight I see that the Frame and Focus mode always switches duration to Bulb and ISO to 1600.

Daft question maybe ... But have you tried this in daylight? I'm just wondering whether you're so far out of focus that you're not seeing anything.

By the way there's an update of the BYE software available free to purchasers at the moment.

Don't worry ;)

Yeah that's the weird thing: live view works fine using the telescope in the day. 

I also thought about the far from focus thing - but I know from the loop & Bahtinov mask that I was pretty much spot on - hence why I was so confused that after locking focus on the 'scope and turning on live view in BYE I see diddly squat.

Thanks for you help. Have you got any other suggestions?

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Not really. I have to say I don't use the BYE live mode to focus up.

I do it at the camera looking at the image of a bright star on the live view screen on the back of my 450D at x10 magnification. When I've got it roughly in focus I turn the star intensity down by reducing the exposure duration until I can only just see the star. I then adjust the focus for maximum star brightness (not sharpness). Seems to work for me. Whether there's a tad more focus to be had by using a Bahtinov mask, I don't know.

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I think we are at a bit of a loss to explain it now. If it works in daytime tests why not at night? I'm wondering whether this was a one-off glitch, which will have righted itself when you try again on stars.

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