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Problem with processing or just LP


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Hi All,

I've been persevering with AP and not really getting anywhere. I've taken some shots with my 600D and a 14mm F2.8 lens. Supposed to show part of the Milky Way.

I don't know if it is user error or bad LP but I can't seem to do anything with the pictures or even get any decent ones. I've tried various ISO and shutter speed and nothing really comes out.

I have put some of them in a dropbox folder, files are quite large.

Hopefully I have done that bit properly!

There are 3 rar files in there which contain

5 frames ISO 800 10secs

10 frames ISO 1600 20secs

10 frames ISO 800 10secs

Would anyone take a look and see if you can do anything with them. If it is just Lp that is causing the problem that isn't so bad but I can't help feeling that I am doing stuff wrong.

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Having trouble getting to your pics. Are you trying to stack these images? Are you using a tracking mount?

If you are not stacking you need to increase your ISO and use the rule of 500 for your shutter speed. With a 1.4 you should be 20-25 sec.

Try to resize your photos and attach them or post them on Flickr. I get an error message with Dropbox.

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Can't seem to share on Dropbox for some reason.

The frames were static on a tripod. I did 10 and 20 seconds. I did do some at 30 seconds but it just gave a totally orange shot.

I'll try Onedrive

 ISO 800 15 sec x 5

ISO 800 10 sec X 10

ISO 1600 20 sec X 10

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Took me ages to do that!

This one is ISO 1600 @ 20 seconds


This next one is ISO 6400 @ 30 secs

I have all the raw files on Onedrive if someone would like to look.


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You have plenty of details in there with the proper editing at those ISO settings.  At 14mm you can get away with about 25 seconds before the trailing is really noticeable. Lots of  noise and light pollution. The noise  can be dealt with using dark and bias frames in stacking. The color noise reduction i had to do for a single exposure is why most is washed out here in my quick edit. I would either get a LP filter like the CLS series from astronomics or use a gradient xterminator plug in like i did here. Just a little bit of vignetting as well. You're on your way!


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You have some good data in those images. The 'over exposed' one is better than it looks.

Yes you have some light pollution in there- if you master the colour balance you can loose some of it in processing.

My quick effort from your .jpg file


From a light polluted location wide angle lenses don't work that well as there is always a huge gradient to contend with. Try a narrower FOV maybe?

The exposure 30s @ ISO6400 is maybe as deep as you can go at this location.

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I can't believe what you have both done with my image, I think you must have sneaked in my garden and took your own!

I have tried messing with them in Photoshop but I just seem to make them even worse.

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It's quite fun doing the processing when you understand (a bit!) what the curves and levels etc actually do. Photoshop is such a massive unfriendly beast. Until now I hadn't looked at it since version 3, about 20 years ago.......

I took the plunge and subscribed to CC and bought Gradient Xterminator, I seem to have spent so much on this hobby since January I thought whats a few more quid, hope my SO doesn't read this!

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