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Eeeeeee!!  :grin:  Great photo, this has made my day - look forward to the Perseids every year! Apparently the Moon is going to be quite bright at its peak though so it might be troublesome then...someone say it isn't so?  :sad:

Just read this: http://news.sky.com/story/1315212/huge-supermoon-to-accompany-meteor-shower

So we get a Supermoon on the 10th which is probably going to make things a bit difficult on the 12th provided that the weather even behaves...must stay optimistic!

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if anything it looks like it will be the weather that will spoil it as we have the remnents of hurricane Bertha to deal with but lets stay optimistic and hope for clear skies, even with a full moon we should still see the bigger ones

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seen a few lastnight (monday) but didn't feel much like dodging the rain showers to stay out

soon got clouded out then it cleared (sort of) but moon washed sky out so gave up....again!

and yeah focus is off,weather got me down,anytime any event is happening the uk weather kills it

anyways nikon 3100,10sec exposure iso 800

1st one pentacon 50mm


2nd one super takumar 55mm


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