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My eclipse

The Warthog

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I got an email from my friend Glenn in Grimsby Ont, about 30km away, to ask if I wanted to come over and watch the eclipse with him and his wife. I got permission from SWMBO, and headed over about 9:30, about half an hour before totality. I had a meeting to attend earlier in the evening, and I had planned to put my scope out, as the sky cleared somewhat unexpectedly.

I have seen a lot of lunar eclipses, but this is the first time I've had a scope on one. It was very pleasant to see it in Glenn and Gail's company. Their Starblast with a 7mm Pentax in it gave a tight view of the entire Moon. It was neat to see the maria and highlands bathed in that ruddy glow. The southern limb stayed a bit brighter than the rest of the Moon as It passed through Earth's shadow.

After totality, we moved over the Glenn's observatory. Glenn has a 6" f/8 Skywatcher Dob, and with a Pentax ep in it, its performance belies its size. The view of Saturn was excellent. I learned that when you have been used to moving a scope with slow-mo cables, you can seem awfully ham-handed trying to move a Dob around. I kept moving it too far. I don't have a lot of experience with Dobs. We had a stunning view of M42, with very apparent structure in the Nebula, and a nice view of the Trapezium.

The temperature stayed at -8, but somehow it got colder and colder as we stood there. I was amazed at the difference between Glenn's skies and mine, only 30km away. I can see only Sirius from my back yard, but from Glenn's, I can see the whole dog. The sickle of Leo is difficult for me, but for Glenn it is easy. He tells me that occasionally, he can see the Milky Way. When my wife retires and we look for a retirement home, we may just have to look into Beamsville or Grimsby both of them small towns at a distance from St. Catharines' LP.

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What an excellent report on your evenings events with your friends WH Its also great to note the apparent much better skies you can have fairly close to your abode I wish you well for any future plans you make in the views to improving not only your lives together but also the benefits to your hobbies its pluses all the way you have ticked :D

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I am delighted to hear someone got a good session in during the eclipse. It was a complete blackout in Cumbria.

I have always managed some images of a lunar event, but this time I got absolutely zilch.

So I thank you for your commentary on the event as you saw it WH. It gives some comfort.

Ron. :D

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