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Stacking, easiest program


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I'm not really into AP at the mo, just using my iPhone mainly on the moon. It's something I would like to do at some point in the future.

Ages ago I downloaded a stacking program, can't remember which one, and was greeted by tons of options on settings I hadn't even seen before.

I was just wondering what's the most noob-user-friendly program, preferably one to take you through step by step if one exists,


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Haven't tried others. Deep Sky Stacker (DSS) is very easy if you resist the temptation to change the default settings, at least until you understand them. I like to make a folder for each session containing sub folders for dark and light frames. Start DSS and drag and drop contents of these, selecting light,dark, or whatever. Then just click register. By default it will save a stacked image as a huge TIFF in the folder where the light frames originated. Do processing elsewhere.-Jack

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Ohh I did forget to mention that DSS will look at your images and suggest best setting. Just click on Recommended (on the left panel). Scroll down and click on any red colored lines, then click on blue "recommended" line that comes up, which will turn to green.

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