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witches broom HOO first in ages


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thanks :smiley:  more subs needed though, not liking the results acdnr give out in pixinsight always seems to come out blotchy, maybe its just the worker rather than the tools though :grin:

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Hmmm... a 383 and 80ED. You know, if you mount the 383 square to the focuser (and you are using the FF/FR) you could cover the whole Cygnus loop in 2 panes ;) (just an idea for you with the increasing darkness coming our way)

Second attempt is miles better, as for 15x15 the Veil should be screaming in Ha and OIII. But with the 383, I do find myself shooting a bit more OIII.

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Mounting the 383 on the 80ED (assuming its a Skywatcher) should be done with the bottom of the camera being level with the focuser knobs. An easier way to judge it is to pop an M6 bolt into the female thread on the bottom of the camera, then line that up with the focuser locking screw.

That way, whatever you see in Stellarium will match exactly what you will get in your telescope, pretty important when it comes to planning mosaics or trying to frame the image to caputre multiple targets.




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