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Cygnus; some great dso's


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Actually, for once the weather forecast was accurate!! I waited several days and still the forecast for Sunday was clear skies..,..... And so it was. I have been suffering with a bad back for a few days, so bobbing up and down around the scope I guessed might aggravate things: Cygnus turned out to be the answer (Ophiucus was my first choice but totally hidden behind a large tree!!) I was able to remain rooted to the observation chair for quite a while with some good dso's:

M29 (little cluster of bright stars) NGC 6910, NGC 6883 (a large course irregular cluster), NGC 6866 (a fairly rich irregular cluster), NGC 6819 (a rich concentration of faint stars), NGC 6811 (a coarse open cluster) and M39 (a large open cluster that fills a low power eyepiece field. Also took in M56 & M57. I was quite happy with these and able to remain in one place for quite a while .... Happy days.....

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Nice report  :smiley:

NGC 6910 was new to me last year, a super open cluster  0.5 deg north of Sadr, just visible in binocs, but a fine sight at 133x in my Dob, don't know how I'd missed that for so long.

You mention "Happy days"............ erm............. don't you mean "Happy nights"  :grin:

Regards, Ed.

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Nice one Martin

There are so many star concentrations and dark nebulae etc in Cygnus, Vulpecula and Saggitta you could spend a week

observing the place.

Also good for your back if you have a deck-chair or recliner bed is to Cruise around the place with Binos.

An hour or so at ease will show you things that you never new were there and are too big to notice in the scope.


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Also good for your back if you have a deck-chair or recliner bed is to Cruise around the place with Binos.

An hour or so at ease will show you things that you never new were there and are too big to notice in the scope.


Good point; I may well  try that'

( I see you are in the IOW; we are going with extended family on holiday there next month...........I`m in the process of getting myself a `grab n go` set up to take with me :smiley: )

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Here's some that I posted last month,

Cygnus and the Summer Triangle ruled the eastern sky. Both Altair and Tarazed looked a bit twinkly. I caught the bright puff of comet 2012 K1 Panstarrs, but not much sky contrast to show detail. I could just about make out the globular NGC 5466 in Bootes.

Then back to Cygnus and a few planetary nebulae , including the bright blinking NGC 6826. pk64+5.1 was mid arc at 19h 34.8m +30 31" as bright as NGC 7027. All three took up to x100. The track of the Milky Way here provides many open clusters, I looked at 23 here, but the best were,

NGC 6819 with a dense star cloud.

NGC 6910 the upright "rocking horse " , lovely full fov at x150.

NGC 6871 quite stunning with a double double of stars at x50

NGC 7039 a bright outline of stars.

NGC 7031 showed 4 stars and a star cloud.

NGC 6997 was framed by four bright stars.

NGC 6866 showed a dense star cloud.

NGC 6883 was bright with a double to the centre.

NGC 6991 again stunning with one bright star and jigsaw puzzle bits.

M29 (NGC 6913) a lovely "power station" up to x150.

M39 , just stunning, but not as good adv

NGC 6910, a lovely asterism of the "Y" cluster , a really defined bright letter.

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