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sun filters - are they safe?

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i got a sun filter in the mail today (free of charge as a gift from the shop i bought my telescope from... really nice of them!)

and im wondering if this filter is really safe to use while looking directly at the sun? any precautions?

i really don't want to risk my eyes, i love them too much. 


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Solar filters such as this one are safe to use as long as you look after them and use them properly.  Many people just buy the film and make their own.  I assume it's a visual filter rather than a photographic filter (which blocks less light).

Before using the filter each time, hold it up to the Sun and visually check that there are no pinholes or damage that allows bright light through.  Fit it to the OTA so that it cannot accidentally fall off (and do so with the OTA pointing away from the Sun).  Make sure your finder and any other optical gear on the OTA is covered.  When you finish using the filter, keep it in a box or tin to prevent damage.

Above all though, if you're really not comfortable about using it, just don't.  If you're not going to enjoy it there's no point doing it.


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You'll find lots of people here who use them both for visual and imaging.  I've done so myself for several years (with a 127 Mak, too -- works very nicely for imaging with a DSLR).  If you're safety conscious and methodical there should be no problems at all.


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Hi yes safe but always check first hold it up to a bright light bulb and you will see if there's any holes in it tiny as they may be ,also some film is suitable some is not for imaging


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make sure you cover or better still remove the finderscope

I haven't removed the finderscope from my telescope when looking at the sun because I found that the top from an old film canister fits over the front of it very well.  Doing that it much easier than trying to align the scope again when I put it back on!!

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I haven't removed the finderscope from my telescope when looking at the sun because I found that the top from an old film canister fits over the front of it very well.  Doing that it much easier than trying to align the scope again when I put it back on!!

Yes, I also find this, so I make sure all the caps are on my finder when I'm observing in white light.


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Plus, don't ever be tempted to use so called Solar filters that screw into your eyepieces.

I've seen these dangerous things on EBay often enough, but when they have appeared,

members of this forum, and others have sent strong warnings to EBay, with the result they have been withdrawn.

That isn't to say they won't crop up there again, or elsewhere for that matter.


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