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Telescope House moving......

NGC 1502

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Hi all, this may have been mentioned elsewhere......apologies if this duplicates........

According to this http://www.telescopehouse.com/ (scroll to bottom) Telescope House are closing their Lingfield store and moving the retail showroom back to nearby Starborough Farm.

It does make sense not to run two buildings not far apart.

Like many of us on here, I remember the original shop at Farringdon with great nostalgia.  Of course when that closed, they moved to Tunbridge Wells for a few years before another move to Starborough Farm. Then they opened the Lingfield outlet but kept Starborough Farm going as well.

Lets hope it works out for them.  I know what you're thinking, maybe a clearance sale when they close the Lingfield store  :smiley:

Regards, Ed.

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I've seen pictures of their new place and looks quite impressive.

Enough space outside to possibly hold there own star parties as it is also surrounded by fields with a clear horizon.

I will be asking them if they will be doing this next time I pop in there.

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I think the original plan was to run a retail outlet from the farm but they fell foul of council planning permission and had to open the shop temporarily, more worrying is a rumour that they will stop being  Meade distributors.


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