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Celestron C8 Edge-HD VX Mount

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Ladies and Gents,

I would highly appreciate your comments and advice on the following which I am thinking of buying for astrophotography:

Celestron C8 Edge-HD with VX mount

I have a budget of £1500

Thank you.

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Well I like it. ;-) As its a SCT then planetary is its real strength. If you wanted to do DSO work, then a focal reducer would also be a benefit, if not a faster  adapter (all at additional cost of course). The mount is very solid, and the All star polar align routine works quite well.

you will of course need a dew shield (as the corrector is a real dew magnet).  would this be a first scope?

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Meant to also say, Planetary will need a webcam and laptop to do, whereas DSO you will need a DSLR and ancillary connectors (and will also benefit from a laptop to control the camera). if you expand on what you want to achieve then it might help steer additional answers.

good luck.

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There is a review of this by Damien Peach in April 2014 Astronomy Now.  Also see the discussion in the mounts section 'To Edge or not to Edge'.  For DSO's you will need the .7 focal reducer which is £272.

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