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Trouble with Registax and files from new ASI 120MC


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Hi folks

taken delivery of new ASI 120MC camera and now finding that I am having trouble with Registax processing the avi files. These files are somewhat larger than with my previous camera and am wondering if this is one of the problems.

The first thing that I notice is that after Registax has selected an avi file, I can see the image on the screen but when I move the slider across to look at the other frames to select the best one, nothing changes on the screen. The frame numbers change under the slider but the image doesn't. I can select alignpoints for the image on the screen and run align and then stack. Although the software seems to run through the process no reasonable image comes out at the end. On one occasion I had no image at all, on another I only had part of the image.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Regstax, but this has made no difference.

I have checked the avi on other software and the wibbly wobbly individual images show up

Any suggestions would be welcome


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best not to use registax to stack, use astrostacket, think thats how to spell it, program on my other pc, i only use registax for the final wavelet sharpening.

there`s anothe rprogram to use but i forgotten the name of it just now, will have a look later on the other pc for you

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I used to have to use PIPP to sort the files out if registax threw a fit.

I've not had that problem since I started using it in wine though.

I was using it in Vista before which probably didn't help.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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It does, but whilst I have used it heavily for planetary processing I've found that I didn't need it for the limited about of lunar close-up imaging I've done.  I can see situations in which it could well be useful though.  It's always worth having more weapons in the armoury :)


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D4N Apologies, just seen the PIPP setting for lunar. Will try that out v. soon.

In the meantime, thanks for the tip re AutoStakkert, put the file in there and it went through the process and handled the lunar file, which had 10800 images (I haven't quite worked out the new camera yet!!!!). The software stacked 4000 of these without too much trouble. Put the resultant Tiff file into Registax to apply the wavelets and hey presto a reasonable image of the Copernicus Crater. 

It seems that Autostakkert can handle big files when Registax struggles?

Thanks again folks


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