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SGL question

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The answer to this is almost certainly embarrassingly staring me in the face, but how do I get to a list of all the posts I have liked on this forum? Its not quite the same list as threads I am following, and I can't seem to find a page showing the posts I like!


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I have been liking posts that have useful info for me in, a bit like tagging or bookmarking them. If its not possible, I'll just carry on following threads as a whole and finding the posts I wanted to bookmark. I can see that each post has its own url, so I could actually physically bookmark them in my browser, but that means I can't access them from various machines unless I use some other internet based bookmarking app.

Quite frankly I have been amazed at the quality and quantity of the information available here, and have been trying to absorb as much as I can, but there is simply too much to remember in one pass :laugh: , hence the attempt to try and generate a catalogue of great posts. I am sure some people have similar processes and have a great collection of posts/articles etc.

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Go to your user profile by clicking on your user name. Top right of this page.

A menu with "likes" written on it should appear on the left. Select this, there is a choice of selecting given or received likes on this page top right.


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The advanced search can help in that situation, but it sometimes takes a while to remember the exact terms to search for to find the post you're after.  Sometimes it takes me a while to find even my own posts :D


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Go to your user profile by clicking on your user name. Top right of this page.

A menu with "likes" written on it should appear on the left. Select this, there is a choice of selecting given or received likes on this page top right.


Blimey, I'd never noticed that before :)


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