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Consider a fed transparency to eliminate all light emission that may interfere with your eye's adaption to the dark.

Deep red sheets such as used for stage lighting or anaglyph glasses should work and does not cost too much.

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To be honest , if you're observing then leave the laptop indoors as any light will detract from your night-vision ,even red light if from a big source like a lappy screen . Better to use a printed star atlas and a very small dim red torch. 

And if you're imaging then a red screen is a pain especially when framing and focusing and dark adaption isn't an issue anyway as you're not peering into an eyepiece in search of faint objects ....  :smiley:

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Backyard red looks very useful. I normally use a sheet of deep red acetate over my laptop screen but am now running a dual screen set up and haven't bought a second sheet yet, so this looks like it will do the trick short term. I still prefer the red screen when imaging mainly because it dims the view enough that I don't trip over anything in the dark :o

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