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ok so I changed the setting on my new Canon T3 to .RAW and went out in search of the leo triplets last night, found them, shot them then came inside to process the images, I can't open them in the .RAW editor of photoshop CS5 and I cant open them in DSS since it gives me a very odd result since I forgot to take my Darks.......any idea's?

photoshop says the .RAW editor doesn't contain my camera, yet it accepts the files from my 5D?


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ok I got it......after some online research I read that for the canon rebel T3 .RAW type I needed to update DSS to the beta version, I guess .RAW changes over time with new software releases.....if it was a cost issue then I would say it's a marketing ploy, but it's free (for the moment) so I went ahead and downloaded the beta and updated the DSS files and all is well.


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apparently the .raw editor in photoshop CS5 doesn't contain my camera and cannot process the files.


Hi Neil,

You need to be a step ahead of all this RAW stuff. I did respond to your last post stating that the RAW files and the associated codecs are proprietary. The latest version of the DSS can cope with most of the Canon " RAW " files. Once you have the stack save it as either a 32bit fits file ( much more preferable if you use an AP processing software, Pixinsight, StarTools, Maxim DL, AstroArt5 and etc ) or as Tiff file for PS.  The other option is to use Lightroom which costs more money anyway.


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