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May 23, 2014: Better late than never

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Finally the sun came out and I could put my LS35 outside for an evening H-alpha session, and boy was the sun putting on a display, despite the apparent calm in white light. A large prom on the north-eastern limb immediately grabbed my attention. Another complex of proms was visible to the north-west. Along the western limb towards the south a series of fainter proms, mainly low arcs was visible. Next, a network of fine filaments crisscrossing the disk became apparent, together with some bright patches.

I looked again at the big prom to the north-east, and it seemed to be changing shape in quite a short time span. First it looked like a sort of flattened mushroom cloud, but towards the end of the session it had expanded into a more tree-like shape. When I looked again 15 minutes or so later, several C-shaped structures gave the impression of a couple of Viking long-ships in full sail, closely packed together, floating above the limb. Ten minutes later still, it had changed into an elliptical ring with a bar running across it, almost like a Greek Theta, seen at an angle. A second prom on the south-eastern limb had joined it.

Great fun to watch this evolve.

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