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Starting out. Which binoculars ?

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Hello Guys,

Being a complete newbie to Astronomy, I wanted to jump in with Bins rather than Tele as most of you suggested.

Which brings me to get your expert opinion as to which bins, 15x70 Celestron Skymaster seem a great choice considering I want to spend approx. £100. Want to spend more for Tele once I get better at it.

2 Queries:

A. Is 15x70 a better choice or should I stick with lower 7x50, etc (Want kids to watch and enjoy also) but don't mind using Tripod.

B. Is Celestron Skymaster good as £50 won't break the bank if a better quality is available.

Over to you Pros :)

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I have a pair of the Skymaster 15x70's and have no compliant about them - they're absolutely fine. Nice and clear - loads of contrast - tiniest bit of CA - but very contrasty when set up right. I've always thought they are a bargain at £50 - cos I paid £80 just before the price came down - typical!! lol. :)

(They're a spot heavy so you'll need a tripod - a camera one will do)

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Hi, as your first piece of astro kit I think the 15x70's would be a better choice. The tripod is almost mandatory for these, especially if you want the kids to see anything through them :smiley: I bought the revelation 15x70's several years ago and found they were great for the money.  

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Ok, the link shared by admin say best buys is: 15x70 Centre-Focus Porro: Revolution.

Now, should I go for those or the Skymaster Celestron 15x70?

Decision time (price diff is no issue if quality is far better for one)

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Parwaz - its a good question and the answer is yes they are the same bins but with a different badge. They are cheap for a reason though and this is because they keep the price down by having zero QC so some people have these arrive out of collimation which produces a double image. All this means is that you might need to send them back and get a second pair sent out if you find your optics are out, apart from that they are very good for the price :)

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I have these and rate them in terms of value. The rubber eyecups have fallen apart over the years but a good pair are pretty good. You do need a tripod - or I certainly do. However, something in the 8x42 range can be easily hand held. It isn't the weight that's the problem, it's the magnification which introduces the shakes.


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