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Saturn after a frustrating night


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I wasn't going to post this after seeing Mr Lawrence's SUPERB image but as it is the best I have managed to date I thought, why not.

The frustrating part was trying to drift align using WCS. I faffed around for 2 hours without success (I had better results BEFORE I read the manual!). By this time the fog had rolled in so before I called it a night I had peek at Saturn. It was nice and steady so I rattled off a couple of thousand frames and I am glad that I did. This is only at F10 as that is all I can manage with the kit I have.

I must get some more F. Now, where's that cheque book?



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What happened with WCS? I've sort of got used to it - so if you have any questions let me know. 1 tip though - let it run for the 5 minutes in each axis, then repeat.

It will not let me look at saturn :D


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