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Mars 27 and 28 April


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no worries Steve, it's nice when details finally pop into sharpness!

Ain't that the truth!  That cloud over Olympus Mons is pretty amazing and wish I could see it first hand.  Nice sketches.

I managed the Polar Cap for the first time on Monday night by a fluke:  was tracking Mars around 11pm while the scope cooled and left it for a bit.  When I get started with the observation, a high (cirrus?) layer of cloud was growing and had developed into a medium layer.  I was still tracking manually, and though I couldn't see it naked eye, it was showing up in the 130P @ 130x.  At that level of filtering, the Polar Cap was really, really obvious, as a white pimple at the 5 o'clock position.  Thrilling!!!  Of course, other details were lost, but I hadn't spotted the Cap under good conditions probably because the disk was too bright without use of filters. 

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I agree Kevin, the detail on Mars does benefit from filters. I was using a 6" f11 dob for these two nights, on an equatorial platform which also helps. the filter I use is a light pollution type filter - Baader's Neodymium. it's very good for the moon and Jupiter too. the 6" is a lovely scope and I was lucky to get one as they are not common. on the 29th I was getting 250x with good detail remaining.

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Nice sketches Shane. I also saw that white patch last night but I took the area to be Elysium Planitia and the location of Elysium Mons rather than Olympus Mons. Maybe I've got that wrong though :huh:

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Good to see that confirmed Shane about, as I had not seen that feature before, clearly it was a clouds over Olympus monts, I wasn't sure, it did look very white indeed so makes more sense that it would have been.  Did anyone also notice the area around south side near the cap( Dob view) , I needed bigger mag to make it out to be sure. Those finer details surrounding the cap were clearly visible, more than just a little white splodge.  I was using the 10 inch Dob to see it.

I'll attach a little photo I attached to my notes, there was some great detail on display on the whole but seeing that fine detail around the cap was a site to behold :smiley:


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Nice sketches Shane. I also saw that white patch last night but I took the area to be Elysium Planitia and the location of Elysium Mons rather than Olympus Mons. Maybe I've got that wrong though :huh:

Having checked the timings and map I think you are right John, not that my Martian geography it that good!


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Nice sketches Shane. I also saw that white patch last night but I took the area to be Elysium Planitia and the location of Elysium Mons rather than Olympus Mons. Maybe I've got that wrong though :huh:

yes me too :huh:

edit: after double checking map I think it is Elysium too,  sorry I quoted Shane's Olympus, but meant  Elysium in my previous post also.

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Having checked the timings and map I think you are right John, not that my Martian geography it that good!


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When we come to have the SGL outing to Olympus Mons we'll have to flip a coin over who does the map reading Stu :grin:  

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There was excellant detail around the pole last night as you describe above.

This was the second time I used the Baader filter and it makes a huge difference.

I was using my 400p with a 5mm X-cel EP plus filter. The views were fantastic.

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