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Good Planetary Scope?

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I've been fortunate to borrow an Intes Micro M703 Deluxe with a possibility to purchase but have not had much luck with the weather yet. Only tried it once on Mars but I think it was a long way off being properly cooled down. I'm not familiar with Maks so some help would be useful.

I am interested in this specifically for Lunar, planet & double star observing.

Advice, comments & opinions please. 

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Supposed to be very good, but I still suggest giving iot a try first.

Say this as I have always had better views through a refractor then a Mak. Do not know why as they are supposed to be good, but that is my experience.

They need to cool down, and being completely sealed take some time.

The front corrector attracts moisture and dew as if you are off to the deepest part of the sahara tomorrow.

I see it appears to be an f/10 Mak, usually they are f/13(ish) and an SCT is f/10.

If at all possible give it a try, but the Intes equipment is generally good,

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It should be a superb scope for your interests. Cool down can take quite a time with larger mak-cassegrains though. If the scope is at room temperature it might take a couple of hours to cool to something close to the outside temperature.

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Advice, comments & opinions please.

Advice its does need plenty of time to cool down if you can store it outside safely then this is the way to go.

Comments your a lucky to get a chance to borrow one never mind the option to buy.

Opinions probably the best planetary scope for its size, refractors this big are BIG anything bigger needs to be a cheaper design. Personally I would prefer a five inch refactor as it would be more flexible or a bigger sct it was dedicated for planetary but if one came my way I would probably have a hard time resisting.

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Thanks for the replies chaps

I had a go a couple of nights ago. Left it out all evening set on Mars. I was playing with the dob in Virgo spotting some 40 odd galaxies & returning from time to time to the Mak. As I am not familiar with views of Mars I thought it did look pretty good. I could make out some darker markings & whiter bits but at higher magnification it was a bit soft. That may have been the seeing & I am viewing Mars over a roof. Look forward to trying it on the Moon.

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