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200p - EQ5 - SynScan Pro - Please help.

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I work in IT as a programmer - so I am well and truly used to technical headbanging hair pulling frustration - i've had 20 years of it!!

I am certain AP will give me just as much frustration time and time again!  No worries - I can see it coming.

Head-banging hair-pulling frustration?? ... with an EQ5 ????

Certainly !! That's part of the fun :laugh:

It is possible to get 3min exposures unguided with a good polar-alignment but it takes a good deal of effort. I have just started drift aligning, and managed 5mins with no trailing before my lappy shut down, (cable had fallen out!), and 10mins guided.

But ... what the others have said is true. Whilst it can be fun setting up, (fun because it's bloomin' rewarding when it works), I regret not having spent that little bit more money for an HEQ5, and I am looking to get an NEQ6 next year. Now that I've got the setup sorted out, I want to spend more time imaging than I do on the said setup, on the constant backlash removal, on the constant regreasing because the dec axis keeps locking up etc etc.


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In all honesty - I think it would be pointless me posting questions and then not heeding the advice - which is clearly in favour of the larger mount pretty much across the board.

I do like tinkering with things to an extent - but additionally, what has swayed this is the limited clear skies we get - I think it would drag me down if I lost valuable and rare imaging time due to having to mess about too much with issues which the NEQ6 will overcome.

I will get a NEQ6 then.  Then start looking at saving for one of these cooled cameras and guide kit.

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Good decision!

A good job you're familiar with the contrariness of computers and software 'cos you'll have plenty of that when you go imaging! Trying to get this software talking to that hardware or even to the other software. Have fun!

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In all honesty - I think it would be pointless me posting questions and then not heeding the advice - which is clearly in favour of the larger mount pretty much across the board.

I do like tinkering with things to an extent - but additionally, what has swayed this is the limited clear skies we get - I think it would drconvinced myself that ag me down if I lost valuable and rare imaging time due to having to mess about too much with issues which the NEQ6 will overcome.

I will get a NEQ6 then.  Then start looking at saving for one of these cooled cameras and guide kit.

When I bought my EQ5 PRO I was advised by the shop to get at least an HEQ5 just to be future proof, I did not listen and 6 mionths later I had to sell teh EQ5 PRO and pay for an HEQ5 PRO, I was in two minds wether I should go for NEQ6 but I convinced myself that I would not be getting a larger scope than my SW 100ED, Now I am imaging with a Quattro 8s and wish that I had gone for the NEQ6 or the celestron AVX. I guess that noe you are getting where this is going.



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I have a SW 200 PDS on a HEQ5 with a lightweight guidingscope and a DSLR.

I followed exactly the route you are taking and thought it would be fine.

What can I say - well within 2 weeks I had bought an ED80 and FF/FR purely for imaging.

The 200PDS is stunning for visual but for AP if there is the slightest breeze then be prepared to dump all your subs its just not going to happen.

It can be done - but waiting for perfect conditions and years of optimizing everything for for most its not practical.

The ED80 on the other hand turns out consistently good results with little effort.

If I were doing it all over again I would either have a HEQ5 for portability and an ED80 and a SW130 or an NEQ6 and the 200PDS and an ED80.

The only reason I chose the HEQ5 was for relative ease of carrying it ie its physical weight - the NEQ6 is a big lump and I am an old f*rt ;-)


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i too got an EQ5 a couple months back, needless to say its now sold and im mountless, saving up the extra funds for a HEQ5, if i had just listened to advise in the 1st place i would have saved a lot of money


m37 is selling his HEQ5 pro for a good price, it is in the classified section here.


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